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Elderberry and Apple Jam Recipe

Elderberry is a great superfood with scientific studies linking it to improved immune function, they are packed with antioxidants giving them all sorts of other health enhancing benefits! This great jam recipe is a fabulous way to get some of these super fruit into your daily diet. I get my elderberries by foraging in the Oxfordshire hedgerows whilst walking our dog pipthepupWe make two versions of elderberry and apple jam. The only difference in the recipe being the amount of sugar used, the lower sugar version is my personal favourite as it is healthiest and I like the tartness. The low sugar version gives a softer set than the higher sugar content version.As with my other jam recipes this includes directions for making the jam in the Pressure King Pro (PKP) as well as on the stove top.

Elderberry and Apple Jam Recipe

0.75kg Whole Elderberries - rinsed and de-stalked
0.75kg Bramley Apples*, cored and roughly chopped-prepare the apples last to avoid browning
200 ml water**
1.25kg Granulated Sugar (pre-heated in oven at 100 degrees C for 15 mins for best results) - use 1 kg for the low sugar version
Juice of 1 or 2 lemons (Depends on how tart you like it)
20g butter or coconut oil etc (optional) - to reduce foaming

*for added pectin (and increased process efficiency) the apples are not peeled. The skins are so soft once cooked they aren't noticeable in the finished jam

**if your fruit has been frozen and thawed less water will be required



Put 3 small plates into fridge ready for jam set testing at the end of the process.

Place the elderberries in a pan together with the chopped apple and water. Cover and simmer gently for 40 minutes until the fruit is soft.

(Pressure King Pro – PKP – set to ‘jam’ for 40 minutes – valve open, lid closed for this step.)

For the next step ensure all sugar is thoroughly dissolved before boiling the jam.

Add the sugar and stir until it has all dissolved. (Adding the sugar at this stage rather than at the start prevents tough fruit skin in the jam).

Once all of the sugar has dissolved, stir in the lemon juice and butter or oil (if using).  At this stage check for the balance of sweet/tart and add more lemon juice if desired.

Bring to a rolling boil for 10-15 minutes. Do not cover and don’t be tempted to stir too much during this phase as it cools the mixture, just stir enough to satisfy yourself that the jam isn’t sticking to the bottom.

For the PKP set to multicook 125 degrees C and leave it open -stir only a little-as above. Set time to 10-15 minutes. If not boiling sufficiently increase the temperature  on PKP by a degree or two (this depends on how much you stir-the more you stir the higher the set temp needs to be).

Once the jam has boiled for 10-15 minutes remove it from the heat.

Test for set by putting a teaspoon of jam mix onto a cold plate and checking for wrinkles when cool.  If you have wrinkles when you move the cooled jam, you are done.  If not boil the jam for another few minutes, remove from heat and test again.

Once the jam is setting on the cold plate fill your sterilised jars with tasty and healthy elderberry and apple jam.

I sterilise my jars by either:

putting them through the normal 65 degrees C wash in the dishwasher (90 minute cycle) – I set the program just as I start making the jam so they are nice and hot when the jam is ready


heating them in the oven at 100 degrees C as I am heating the sugar then leave them in the hot oven until ready to use.

Always fill the jars when both jars and jam are hot and seal quickly to maintain the sterile environment.

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